Our mission is to provide guidance and leadership to District educators, staff and administrators by working with the supplier community in the procurement of high quality goods and services, while ensuring compliance with state and federal laws, Board policies, and administrative requirements. The Procurement Department strives to provide systems and procedures that will make the procurement process more efficient, cost effective and user friendly. We are committed to maximizing the tax payer’s dollar while maintaining the highest standards of ethics, integrity, public trust and transparency.
About Procurement
Prospective vendors are encouraged to register with the college district’s e-bidding and supplier management system. With e-bidding, vendor’s will: Register to receive notifications of upcoming bids in vendor’s respective fields, complete and submit bids online, and review bid tabulations and awarded bid information online.
Vendors may register for the District’s e-bidding system at: http://procurement.opengov.com/signup
To receive bid notifications, click on "Subscribe" at: http://procurement.opengov.com/portal/collin.
Please click on the following link to review steps for OpenGov: OpenGov Supplier Instructions Guide. Please contact Purchasing at 972.758.3874 if you have any questions.
With e-bidding, vendor’s will:
Register to receive notifications of upcoming bids in vendor’s respective fields
Complete and submit bids online
Review bid tabulations and awarded bid information online
Vendor pays no fees for utilizing the online bidding system.
It will be the sole responsibility of each vendor to maintain and keep current, their company’s information on the district’s e-bidding site. In the event of a contact person name change, address, phone, etc., it will be necessary for the vendor to edit their company information on the e-bidding site. It is understood that all bid notifications will be sent to the e-mail address supplied by the vendor; therefore, in the event of an e-mail address change or ISP change, it is imperative that the vendor information be kept current. Otherwise, bid notifications will never be received by the vendor and the opportunity for bid submittal will be lost.
Collin College utilizes the District website, OpenGov and the McKinney Courier Gazette for notification of solicitation opportunities. These are the only forms of notification authorized by the District. Collin College shall not be responsible for receipt of notification and information received from any other source other than those listed. It shall be the vendor's responsibility to verify the validity of all bid information received by sources other than those listed.
View Open Bid Opportunities - OpenGov
View Closed and Awarded Bid Opportunities - OpenGov
View Awarded Bid Opportunities - IonWave
The procedure for processing purchase requests is determined by the estimated expenditure as shown below:
$9,999.99 or less - One (1) current price quote is obtained by the requesting Department.
$10,000-$49,999.99 requires three (3) written quotes.
$50,000 and Over require a formal solicitation issued by the Procurement Services
Department with legal notice posted in the newspaper.
$100,000 and over must be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to an order being
Vendors' interested in doing business with Collin will find bid opportunities posted
on the college district’s website by clicking on the "View Bid Opportunities" link
at the top of this page.
Collin College utilizes this website, OpenGov and the McKinney Courier Gazette (www.courier-gazette.com) for notification of bid opportunities. These are the only forms of notification authorized by the College District, other than direct distribution from a Collin Procurement Services staff member. Collin shall not be responsible for receipt of notification and information received from any other source other than those listed. It shall be the vendor’s responsibility to verify the validity of all bid information received by sources other than those listed.
"Collin encourages participation in the solicitation process by small, minority and female-owned businesses. Collin does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or veteran status."
Collin College prefers to receive all responses electronically via the district’s e-bidding system. E-mailed and faxed responses are not acceptable forms of formal bid submission. Vendor’s wishing to submit bids electronically should click on the “Vendor Registration” link to register for electronic bid submission.
Solicitation responses are received in the Collin College Procurement Services Department by the time and date specified on the solicitation document and must be submitted in the manner indicated. A solicitation that is received after the time and date indicated is considered unacceptable and will be returned to the vendor unopened. Delivery at any other campus location or any other Department is unacceptable. The time/date stamp clock located in the Procurement Services Department shall be the official time of receipt for manual responses. Electronic bid responses will be time and date stamped by the system.
Bid openings are held in the Procurement Services Department, or in another location on campus, as specified on the bid document. All interested parties are welcome to attend any bid openings. Bid tabulations are available on the district’s e-bidding system immediately following the bid opening time, but may not include any manual submissions initially.
In the case of a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Qualifications (RFQ), only the names of those submitting responses will be revealed. All responses are open to the public after award, with the exception of information marked confidential in the case of an RFP or RFQ. In those cases where a request to view a response that contains confidential information has been received, the college district follows the procedures outlined in the Texas Public Information Act.
Awards are made to the bidder providing the best value to the college district. In determining to whom to award a contract, the college district shall consider the following:
>The purchase price
>The reputation of the vendor and of the vendor's goods or services
>The extent to which the goods or services meet the college district's needs
>The quality of the vendor's goods and/or services
>The vendor's past relationship with the college district
>The impact on the ability of the college district to comply with laws and rules relating to historically underutilized businesses
>The total long-term cost to the college district to acquire the vendor's goods or services
>For a contract for goods and services, other than goods and services related to telecommunications and information services, building construction and maintenance, or instructional materials, whether the vendor or the vendor's ultimate parent company or majority owner:
(A)has its principal place of business in this state; or
(B)employs at least 500 persons in this state; and
>Any other relevant factor specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals.
Award information will be available on the college district's e-bidding site upon award of a contract.
In addition to bids for goods and services solicited directly by the college, Collin often uses the following cooperative contracts to satisfy their competitive solicitation requirements for various goods and services. Some of the cooperatives that the college district utilizes are as follows:
> Buyboard (Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
> Collin County Governmental Purchasers Forum
> Comptroller’s Statewide Procurement Division
> Harris County Department Education (HCDE) - Choice Partners
> Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments (H-GAC)
> Interlocal Government Contracts
> NPPGov
> Region 10 Education Service Center
> Tarrant County Cooperative Purchasing Program
> Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)
> Texas Interlocal Purchasing Systems (TIPS)
District surplus is available via on-line auction at www.renebates.com. Surplus is auctioned off on an ongoing basis as it becomes available.
View the Collin County Community College District's Ethics Policy.
Our office is located at
Collin Higher Education Center:
3452 Spur 399 Room 367, McKinney, Texas 75069
Phone: 972.758.3874
Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., excluding college district holidays. Appointments are appreciated and will ensure availability of staff members.
Please email invoicing questions to Accounts Payable at acctspay@seezl.com.
Staff Information and Responsibilities
Cindy White, Executive Director Procurement Services
Texas Construction Purchasing Certificate
Phone: 972-758-3871
E-mail: clwhite@seezl.com
- Chief Procurement Officer
- Directs District-wide purchasing functions
Jennifer Wright, Director Procurement Services
Texas Construction Purchasing Certificate
Phone: 972-758-3879
E-mail: jewright@seezl.com
- Oversees and provides backup for the contract administration process
- Oversees and provides backup for the construction procurement process
- Assists in the direction of all purchasing functions
- Provides backup for the Purchasing/IS Reporting Manager
Emily Adams, Assistant Director Procurement Services CPPB, NIGP-CPP
Texas Construction Purchasing Certificate
Phone: 972-758-3885
E-mail: eadams@seezl.com
- Professional Services
- Large Construction Projects
- Major furniture and equipment installations
Katherine Rios, Procurement IS/Reporting Manager
Phone: 972-758-3872
E-mail: krios@seezl.com
- eBidding system
- eProcurement (Workday) system
- Workday Procurement End User Training
- Forms management
- Provides back up for Purchasing public website and CougarWeb pages
- Provides back up for Purchasing Administrative Assistant
- Reporting
- System Upgrade Testing
Richard Alexander, Procurement Administrative Assistant
Phone: 972-758-3874
E-mail: rwalexander@seezl.com
- Bid notices (newspaper and internet)
- Bonds and ads for construction projects
- Credit applications
- eBidding supplier registration
- New suppliers and changes to existing suppliers
- Renewal of contracts
- Tax exempt forms
- Purchasing public website and CougarWeb pages
Timothy Phillips, Contract Administrator
Phone: 972-758-3882
E-mail: tphillips@seezl.com
- Agreements
- Contract Compliance
- Provides back up for Contract Management
- Small Construction
Timothy Accountius, Senior Buyer
Phone: 972-758-3878
E-mail: taccountius@seezl.com
- Requisition & Purchase Order Expediting (Review/Assign Requisitions to Buyers)
- Contract Management (Review/Approve Contracts in Workday)
- Business Office
- Amazon
- Furniture
Diana Lau, Buyer
Phone: 972-985-3793
E-mail: dlau@seezl.com
- General Hardware
- Plant Operations
- Grounds Maintenance
- Welding & HVAC
- Construction Programs
- Vehicles
- Automotive & Collision Repair
Herbert Harper, Buyer
Phone: 972-758-3873
E-mail: hharper@seezl.com
- Library Services, Supplies, and Subscriptions
- Mailing service
- Printing
- Business Collateral (Einstein Printing)
- Communications
- Fire Science
- Law Enforcement
- Police Department
- Temporary Personnel Services
- Sign Language and Cart Services
- Charter Bus Services
- Fine Arts
Jill Stine, Buyer
Phone: 972-758-3811
E-mail: jstine@seezl.com
- Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Biotechnology
- Health Sciences
- Continuing Education
- Athletic supplies and equipment
- Veterinary Tech Program
- Agriculture Program
Kate Lynn Hamilton, Buyer
Phone: 972-758-3870
E-mail: katelynnhamilton@seezl.com
- Audio/Visual equipment
- Copiers/Managed Print
- Data/Voice Cabling
- Human Resources
- Other Office Equipment
- Office Supplies
- Software
- Technology Services, Equipment, and Supplies
- Promotional
- Screen Printed T-shirts and Embroidered Polos
- Culinary Arts/Food Services
- Catering Services (America To Go)